2021-12-27 08:00:55 By : Ms. Amanda Lo

Every year in December, The Manning Times asks local elementary schools to provide us with Letters to Santa from their students. 

In our Christmas paper, we print each and everyone of these handwritten letters, with no corrections or changes.

This year I have been very good. Some nice Things I have done are helping my grandpa put out corn and helping my Dad with the dishes. Thank you for my presents last year. I really loved them! This year I would like a hoverboard. I hope you have safe travels.

This year I have been mostly good. Some nice things I have done are feed my dog and help my parents around the house. Thank you for my presents last year. I really loved them. This year I would like a real life puppy. I will leave cookies out for you.

This year I have are been good. Some nice things I have done are help my friends and help my mom and dad around the house. Thank you for my presents last year. I would like fidgets, rainbow high doll and shlik horses. I hope you have safe travels. 

This year I have been mosty good. Some nice things I have done are my chores and being good at school. Thank you for my presents last year. I really enjoyed them. This year, I would like barbie clothes, 5 surprise  mimi brands, Mercy Watson book.

This year I have been very kind. Some  nice things I have done are helping my dog, helping my cat. Thank you for my presents last year. I really loved them. This year I would like a 50 inch TV, NERF GUN Pistoll and pokemon cards. I hope you have a safe and happy travels,

This year I have been mostly good. Some nice things are help my mom and dad clean the house. Thank you for my presents last year. This year I would like is a hover board, cheetah duck boats, and whever else you want to give me. Thank you for all you do.

This year I have been mostly good. Some nice things I have done are help my parents. Thank you for my presents last year. I really lovd them. This year I would like a mgic mixie and a Gabby doll house I love you Santa.

This year I have been mostly good. Some nice things I have done are help my sister and help my parents. Last year I really enjoyed them. This year, I would like cheetach duck boots and earpods, surprises. I promise to live out cookies.

This year I have been very helpful and very good too. Some mice thing I have done are feeding the dogs and I helping Daddy, James and Mommy. Thak you for my presents last year, I loved them. This year I would like a new xbox and an action figure. I hope to leave our cookies and mikx for you.

This year I have been very good. Some nice things I have done are my chores and making my bed every morning. Thank you for my presents last year. I would like a Hover Board, Swich Gx pokemon pack. I promise to leave our cookies.

This year I have been very good. Some things I have done are help my sisters and my parents. Thank you for my presents last year. I would like some popits. I promise to give you cookies.

This year have been really good. Some nice things I have done are clean my room and feed my dogs and my giny pigs. Thank you for my presents last year. I really enjoyed them. This year I would like a new born and a Nintendo switch. I hope you have a good travel.

This year I have been super nice. One nice thing I have done is I help my family. Thank you for my presents last year. I really love them. This year I would like a 50 inch tv, a nana doll and money. I hope you have safe travels.

My name is Henley Hayden. For Christmas I would like legos, baby doll stuff games and books.

I would like a new unico that walks. I would like a pink sid d by side. Tell Mrs. Clause hello and Merry Christmas!

I would like a toy wrestler for Christmas! I thanink I have been a good Boy. Mr. Peebles has been bad but I love him.

Hope you visit all the little kids.

Thank you for sending PEPPER MINT Mocha. I wish she could spend Christmas with em and my family. Pleasetell Mrs. Clause I said Hi!

I really like Peppermint Mocha. I would really like a Bluey Car and Bluey House for Christmas. I love you.

My name is Griffin Butler. I was wondering how you were doing. I was also wondering how were Mrs. Clause and the elves were doing. If they are doing good then that is great. I think you know what I want for Christmas but just to make sure I am making this letter. First I want a gaming pc with aimbot and macros, second I want a Beyblade, that is like me all fired up kind like perfect phoenix. Lastly I want a rainbow keyboard and mouse to go with my gaming pc. Merry Christmas Santa, Mrs. Clause and all the elves.

I want to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a gaming computer + key bord, bike, clothes, shoes, jackits, bother, go to Texas, hover bord, Disney World and I am happy that I am love and my dance member

My name is Dottie McKeen Sarver. I do not want a lot for Christmas. I just want a huver board.

Also can I have a iphone 12. I have been really wanting one I will do chores. I will be good like not eating in the living room. I learned that the hard way. But we are going to learn some how. Lastly, can I have a new and better year next year I have had a good year thow.

I hope you can do that please.

This Christmas I would like canvas paint, paint brushes, squish mallows, a new soft blanket, some fidgets, a new jumper, elephant stuffed animal.

I would like for Chrismis an art set, tap shoes, balay shose also it would be great if you cold bring some stof to stuty with.

Mary Chrimas and happy new year thank you for the gifts. 

I love with chrismas God.

I love you I would like a Iphon and a school desk and a baretow spushey. I love you elfs and santa. 100 popets!!!!!!

I hope you are doing well. These are some things I want , I would like a riefle, popits, 1000 dollars, A ipone 11, 1000 robui.

I hope you are doing great! I want a pink Hooverboard, art supplies, and toys for my dog and guinea pig.

I hope you are doing good. What I want this year is a hoover board and 50 legos and 20 nerf guns with extra darts.

I want a hoverboard. I hope you are doing good. I hope your reindeer are ok. I want a kitten for Christmas. I want a robxe.

I hope you are doing good. I want a hoover board. I want a new bike. I want a new scooter.

I hope you are doing well.  It tak two I went it take two and a swing sat and Friday the 13th and ivv and a rainbow huverbord.

I hop you are doing good with your raindeer I will love a Nitindo swich and gams, and a fishand a desk and a gmig char and a next gen nascar dicast 

I hope you had a great year with your reindeer, hopefully I’m on the nice list hopefully not the naughty list. What I want for Chirmas. I want a rc car.

I hope you’re good. For Christmas I want a anea azhih floor. A pop it. Pant and cakvis a bide.

I hope you are doing good. I have tried to be very good this year. Hopefully your reindeer stay warm. I want Legos, tiny elf on the shelf, and a puppy, a bible and I would to have popits. Thank you

I hope you are doing good and staying warm. I have tried to be very good this year. I would love to have a baby bocth toy, a Christmas candle and a good smelling hand soap. Thank you for being so kind.

I hope you are doing good. And how are your reindeer. I want a Luke briny CD. Luke Combs CD and a 4 wheeler and a blak lab too. I have been a good boy.

Meryy Christmas! I would love to have a hoverboard, pop its and hot figits.

Hi Addie here! I tried to be good this year! I would like a laptop and a ipad air. So love you please bring a puppy to. Be safe. I hope you make it to Sumter. 

I hope you are doing dood and staying warm. I have tried to be very good this year. I would love to have popits , a Luke Brayn Book and a Jeep for my mom.Thanks for being so nise.

Jaylann’2nd Grade LMA

Merry Christmas! I am a boy. I hope you are doing well and staying warm. I have tried to be very good this year. I would love to have a sled, a toy robot, legos and a new shirt. Thank you for being so kind to us and thank you for giving the presents to us and I hope you like the Christmas Tree. 

I hope your doing good.I would like a new duch c calls. I would like Nerf guns. I wood like a new four- wheeler. I would like a dirte bike. Thain you Santa

Blayten . I have bine goob.

I can’t wait for Christmas! I hope the reindeer are ready. Thank you for the toys. I been good this year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a 1-10 four wheeler, hoverboard and tube watch. I want a 1-10 four wheeler because it would be fun to ride. I want a however bored because they are fun. I would like a tube watch. It would be cool because they are fun to play with. Thank you Santa for the toys.

I can’t believe Christmas is finally here! Are your reindeer working out? I have been a little bad. A few things I would like for Christmas are a telescope, a computer and a Nintendo controller. I want a telescope because I can look at the planets. I would like a computr becauseI can watch Youtube videos I need some Nintnedo controlers because my brother broke ours I hope you have a good flight.

I.m soo excited when Chriestmas comes! Thank you for the toys. I have a pretty good and a bit bad. A few things I would like for Chriestmas are a Cat Mario Amiibo, A rainbow Road Trank set and a wii u. I also want a reddy freddy books because Freddy is cool. I hope you have a great vacation until next Chriestmas. 

I can’t believe the Christmas Season is here! I hope the e;ves are making toys and eating cookies. I have been pretty good. A few things I would like for Christmas are Barbie’s, a barbie house and more Barbie accories. I whant Barbies because I need more Kens. I would like a Barbie houce because I don’t have vary many. Barbie accessories would be awesome because I need more purses to put stuff in. Thanks fo the toys.

I am excite 2 for Chrictmas. You and Mrs. Claus decserve a cacation I have been a little bit good. A few things I would like for Christmas are FGteev toys because they are some I hop you haved Merry Chrismas. 

I can’t believe Christmas is here!

Can I see the workshop! Can I see Rudoplph? I have been very good this year. I would like Iron Man, a fake elf and a new Omnitirx. I want iron man because he is cool I want a fake elf because it will be fun. I want a new Omnitix because I can turn into an alien. I am so glad you are coming soon.

I can’t wait for Chiristmas! Is the workshop full with toys? I have been very good this year. I hope your redsuit still fits! A few things I’s like for Chiristmas are a puppy, a phone and a homework pass. I want a puppy because thry’er nice. I’d like a phone because I can text and call my family. I’d also like a homework pass because some times I forget to do my homework. 

I am so excited that you can come! Is the workshop going good? I have been good this year I hope. A few things I would like for Christmas this year are a drawing rodot, a live puppy, and a toy horse. I want a drowning robot because they are cool. I want a live puppy because they are cute. I want a toy horse because horses are a cool thig to learn about. I hope you have a good trip. Thankyou for my gifts.

I can’t wait! Are the elves working hard? I have been pretty good this year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a coon trap, a coon dog, a 22 rifle. I want a coon dog because it is fun to hunt with. I would like a coon trap because it would help me catch a coon. I want a 22 rifle because it would be cool to shoot. I hope you have a fun trip.

I can’t believe Christmas is almost here! I’m so excited! A few things I would like for Christmas are a Santa Claus outfit, ginger bread custume and Butter bean, my elves magic back. I want a Santa Claus. I want a gingerbread outfit because I like him and he needs his magic back!

I can’t wait for you to come! Are you going to ask Rudolph to guide your sleigh? I’ve been good this year. A few things I’d like for Christmas are a puppy, a LOL camper and an American Girl Dolls. I want a puppy because they are so cute. I want a LOL camper because I’ve always wanted one to play with. I hope you have a safe trip.

I am so excited Christmas is almost here. Are you and the elves working in the workshop? I have been pretty good this year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a new bike and some slime. I want a new bike because I can ride it around my house. I would like some fidgets because I can play with them. Slime would be fun because you can play with it. I hope you have a safe trip. Thank you for my presents.

I am so excited that Christmas is here. Are you and your reindeer getting ready? I have been good this year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a bike, fidgets, and orbeez. I want a bike because they are fun to ride. I would like fidgits because they are cool and fun to play with. Orbeez would be nice because they feel good and are coole I am so excited that you are coming son!

I am excited that Christmas is finally here. Are the elves busy making toys for kids? I have been pretty good this year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a watch a pack of orbeez and some fidgets. I want a watch because I could tell time. I would like a pack of orbeez because they are slimy. And fidgets because they are so satisifying. I hope you have a safe trip thank you for my gifts.

I’m so excited you are coming! I hope your red suit still fits. I have been pretty good this year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a toy horse, a softball ornament and a live puppy. I want a toy horse because I love horses so so much. I would like a live puppy because a live puppy would be awesome. I also want a hoverboard because it would be coo just because. I hope you have a safe trip.

I’m so happy that that Christmas is here! Are your reindeer working out? I have been nice tis year. A few things I would like for Christmas are a cat, bike and remote controlled plane. I would like a cat because they’re so cute. I want a bike cause now I’m to big for it. I would like a plane because I can fly it. Thank you for the presents. 

I can’t wait for Christmas to be here I’m so excited! Are the reindeer working out? Does your beard smell good. I have been good this year. A few things I would like fo rCHristmas is a grappling book, a body guard and a limo. I want a grappling hook because I can shoot it to go high. I would like a limo because it is cool because I would look like I’m famous. I hope you have a wonderful flight.

This year I have been a little nice and naghty. Some nice thing I have done are climb trees and rescue Anne Heatens kittens fell off the porch. Thank you for my presents last year. This year I would like a missionary ticket, harizard glass case and GXp6 Keman pack. Please make it snow 3 feet. 


The thing I want for Christmas is a piano. I practiced playing one over the summer and I really liked it. I also want a piano because I can play my own songs that I will create from an app. And lastly, I would play it in church only if the pastor says it’s okay. And that’s why I want a piano for Christmas. From: Rayven

Ms. Blair’s Class

The one thing I want for Christmas is building sticks- building sicks are fun to to play with . You can make really bit structures like towers and playhouses 4 feet tall. They make things easy to build. And it looks cool when you’re finished. That is why I want Building sticks for Christmas.

Ms. Blair’s Class

I am telling you what I want for Christmas. I want a barbie dream house. First, Because I never got one from you. Next I want to try a new toy out. Lastly a barbie dream house looks so cool, big and colorful. And those are the reasons that I want it.

Ms. Blair’s Class

The one thing I want for Christmas is a new dirtbike. The one I have right now is electric. A gas one would be better because I can ride longer then 3 minutes. I also won’t have to wait 5 days until it charges.  I really need this new dirt bike for Christmas because my old one is dead right now. The old one is too small for me. Finally but na least this is what I want for Christmas this year of 2021. 

Ms. Blair’s Class

The one thing I want for Christmas is a drum set. It is fun because it has a big tom-tom. It is cool because it comes with more than one. It’s awesome because I play drums at church.I would really like some drums.

Ms. Blair’s Class

What I want for Christmas is a karaoke machine, because mine broke. I want a karaoke machine because I love to sing. Last but not least I want a karaoke machine because I love music. And that’s what I want for Christmas.

Ms. Blair’s Class

If you are real please bring an apple phone. I want an apple phone because the phone looks cool. And I can play games. I would use the phone to help me spell words and watch learning videos. An d I  would also call y mom 1 times every day to tell her I love her I love you even though she’s in the same house.

The one thing I want for Christmas is an ipad. I can text my friends to check on them. I will play fun games and download 1 educational game to an ipad will let me call my family. And most of all take pictures so I can make good memories! That is why I wan’t an ipad so very much.

P. S. I have been wanting on sinince August.

Ms. Blair’s Class

I wantd car remote control. They can go fast or slow. I want to race mine if I get one. Blue is my  favorite color.

Ms. Blair’s Class

  The number one thing I want is a phone. The 1st reason why I want a phone is so I can call and ask for help. The 2nd reason why I want a phone is so I can find out the weather to know what to wear for school. And Santa the 3rd reason is so I won’t get bored. There are games that I can play. Do you think the elves can make that?

3rd Grade Ms. Blair’s Class

For Christmas I would like a shopping Barbie.

For Christmas I would like a kitchen set.

For Christmas I would like fortnite blaster pop- its.

For Christmas I would like Paw Patrol Toy!

For Christmas I would like a light saber!

For Christmas I would like a stuffed toy dog.

For Christmas I would like a hatching baby.

For Christmas I would like to give a gift to my mom.

The following letters are from Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Bennett’s K5 MECC Classes

Are the reindeer being nice to Rudolph I have been a good boy. I want hot wheels for Christmas.

What kind of reindeer do you have? I have been a very good boy. I would like a lego mind craft. I would also like a plush e for Christmas.

How are the reindeers? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a Nintendo switch

How re the reindeer? I have been good boy I want a bohed 200+.

How are the reindeer? I have been a good girl this year. I would like a baby doll.

How is the weather? I would like a Nintendo switch. I also want a paw patrol for Christmas. Thank you so much

How are the reindeer? I have been a good girl this year. I want a puppy for Christmas

I have been a good boy this year. I womld like a toy bear for Christmas.

How are the reinder? I have been a good girl. I want a motorcycle for Christmas.

How are the reindeer? I have deen a good girl this year. I want a cooking set for Christmas.

How are the reindeer.I have been a good girl. I want a motorcycle.

How are the reindeer. I have been good boy this year. I would like some ornament

How are the reindeers? I have been very good this year. I want a barbie doll house for Christmas.

What are your favorite cookies. I have been a good boy. I would like a remote controlship.

How are the elves? I have been good this year. I want a puppy for Christmas.

How are the reindeer? I have been a good girl. I want a barbie doll for Christmas.

How are the elves? I have been good this year. I want a dinosaur toy.

How are the reindeer? I have been a goo boy. I want a Nintendo switch for Christmas. 

What is your favorite kind of food. I wont like a PS 5

The following letters are rom Mrs. Huckaby’s class Kindergarten MECC

I would like a dirt bike.

I would like a princess doll.

I wold like a aol nendo a

I would like a toy robot

I would like a toy. Christmas tree. 

I would like a toy teddy bear.

I would a toy robot

I would like a snow man.

I would like an iphone SS play gun and a real robot.

A tey a lshield ar morigno nel,ent

I would like a toy robot.

I would like a toy dog.

I wou like a toy rbot.

I would like a toy doll angel.

I would like a toy motorcycle.

The following letters are from Ms. Hilton and Mrs. Ellison’s Primary Montessori

I want Spiderman Legos and an airplane.

I want a Spidey toy and a Power Ranger toy.

I want presents for Christmas. 

For Christmas I want dinosaurs.

I have been a good girl. I want a real computer and real money.

For Christmas I want a toy deer hinting set, a fishing set and duck boots.

I would like a lot of candy for Christmas!

I want a Disney Princess Enchanted Music Vanity.

I have been a sweet girl. I want a barbie for Christmos.

For Christmas I want a Barbie dollhouse and a tiny baby doll.

I have been a good girl. I worked hard this year. I want a bell for my bicycle, nail polish and a piggy bank

I have been a very good boy. I want a Fortnite lego set.

I was a good girl. I want a lock diary. I want a rabbit one.

I want a Barbie Dreamhouse. I was a good girl.

I want a car that winds for Christmas up and goes fast. I want a cell phone and skateboards for all my friends.

All I want fir Christmas a LOL doll.

I want 500 RC cars and 20 skateboards.

I was a good boy. I want a TV lego and piano remote for Christmas.

The following letters are from Manning Early Childhood Center 1st Grade

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a Princess clothes. 

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a phone.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a x-box,

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a drone.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a LOL doll.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like head phones.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a ps5 nobox

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a phone.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a x -box.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a PS 4 and dirt bike,

I have been good  this year. For Christmas I would like a pS 5 

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a barbie doll.

I have been very good this year. For Christmas  I want 10 puppy for Christmas.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a baby alive. 

I have been good this year for Christmas.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a phone. 

I hays been good this year. For Christmas I would like a dog.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a LOL doll.

I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like a xbox

My name is Keyona. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me 

Poptube pop it cubelits, necklace, swing set

My name is Adam. I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me robot toy, a dinosaur toy, legos jurrasic workd, cubelites.

My name is Justin and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please brine me a toy car, and a ipad and sum hot wheels.

My name is Carter and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me  a dirt bike, elect swingset, skooter, dog boxing gloves 

My name is JaMirra and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me hoverboard, puppy, barbie dream house.

My name is Evalynn and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me  doll, LOL doll, computer.

My name is Emerald and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me Lol doll, four wheeler, hover board, bike

My name is Jairo and I am 7 years old. This year I have been nice. For Christmas please bring me I want a fidget, boxing gloves.

My name is Angel and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please  bring me poptube, bike, doll house, bell from Santa’s sleigh.

My name is Taylor and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me fidget pack, puppy dog, hugs.

My name is Kemo and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me popit, 4 wheeler, PS 5 dirt bike 

My name is Tyler and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a Nintendo switch big maco ATV Trampoline.

My name is Anaiis and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a borbee doll house.

My name is Kashtyn and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a remote control airplane, 4 wheels.

My name is Latasia and I am 8 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me mac book, LOL doll, Skooter and bike.

My name is Gatlin and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me PS 5, Skateboard, dog, ATV, drone.

My name is Sam and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me legos.

My name is Liam and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a motorcycle and cubelits and Pencil boy and robot dog.

My name is Cherie Woots and I am 6 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me hover board, LOLO Elsa toy, toy bumblebee, purple computer. 

May I have a doll baby and a watch. I have been  a nice (   )

I have been very nice this year. May I please get a jmaskset and a Batman set 

May I pretty please have a nefinergun and a boxg it costumes

May I please get a LOL doll and a doll house I was nice naughty girl this year.

May I please have a kitchen Set and LOL doll. I have been a good girl.

IMay I please have a King Toy and PS 4? I hope I am on the nice list 

May I have a barbie and a barbie airplane. I have been good this year.

I have been nice this year. May pease have an iphone and an ipad. Thank you

May I please get legt a notebook? Thank you

I have been nice this year.May I please get a race car and Nintendo switch? 

I have been a goo girl. May I please have a LOL doll and a wooden toy bxo.

I have been a good. May I please have an iphone?

May I please iphone and a doll house I have been good.

This year I was a good boy. I want a Nintendo switch and pop it

I have been this Christmas this Christmas Barbie house pop, LOL

I have been a good girl this year please brin LOL doll and a pony,

The following letters are from Walker Gamble Elementary

I really want a princess barbie and a LOL popit. I have been super good this year. I listen in school at home and everywhere. I would be so happy.

I really want a dog. I want a piano. I want a dirt bike. I want a 7 box pokemon. I want a phone. I want a basketball. I want a little tree. I want a bunk bed. I want a concrete pad. I want a computer. I want a shark popit. I have been good this year.Please Santa

I want a slime Kit. I have been very good and a barbie doll and a LOL and 10 popits. Please  and 4 lego friends and a basket ball  and a basketball hoop and a skateboard and skates. Please can I have a real live puppy golden doodle. I have been very good. I help my mom please Santa

I really want slime and a dog. I want a art kit and reindeer stuff animal. A Christmas tree for my bedroom because I help my bruth and help my mom.

I really want a dog for my sister and I want legos and I want a new phone and a new play station 5 and a piano. Merry Christmas Santa,

I really want a new dirt bike. I have been bad and good this year. I listen in school at home and everywhere.

I really want a ipad and I want boxes of pokemon cards and that has helef I want a basketball.

I want a barbie house, I want a pop i. I really want a LOL house, I want LOL pop it5. I want a slime bucket set. I want a led. I want a paink. I want a cook house toy. I want a litlit aipp.. I want a baby doll. I want a slime table. Please Santa.

I rile want a omedool. I wrie wotu a brbe has a and I watu a brb6 dool and I wat us a lit brd and a LOL.

I was a play teshn 5 and a football and a football lest and hept my mom and I hept my dad.

I wod like a duert bike. And a PS4 and goo PS 4 well I was help my mom.

I was a I want a posleg hpere ghAnufowir nbo8 nAnywbAghA pokmon bor.

I really new phone, I dog and doy. I dog. And a gin gig I and Dog.

I gitos tip is a sty u santa. And I yoaeo and I osoqisiand I iqnanaimon and Iyo dos.

Pless gif me a popits and I dnd gut is yir and I wutd nrf gun and I wotd loy bungin and I wot frowu x sos guns and I wot armen.

I really want a Haruderpol and I want a teeset and jucus I help my mom please Santa.

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